Today the current version ADtoPave 2018.01.025 was published. It also includes the calculation method in accordance with the current RDO Asphalt 09/24 and it is available in the download area of the ADtoPave product website.
→ Link Download Update ADtoPave
The IDAV GmbH sponsors actively the 8th Dresdner Asphalttage, which occur from 07.12.-08.12.2023 in Dresden.
Furthermore, we will be present with a stand on site and look forward to talking together, your questions and suggestions!
→ Link Dresdner Asphalttage
After intensive development and an extensive testing phase, the IDAV GmbH Dresden team is pleased to announce the launch of the test evaluation and dimensioning software ADtoPave.
In particular, we thank all participants in the more than one-year beta testing period for their comments, suggestions and hints of any kind that have contributed significantly to the final product maturity of the software!
With ADtoPave we offer you - from the evaluation of tests to the dimensioning and substance evaluation of asphalt road pavements - a modular structured service package which corresponds to the current requirements of the regulations and which will continuously developed. In addition, it is our aim to provide full support including advice and training, as well as providing you with extensive engineering services on constructive aspects of traffic areas.